Customized for you
By cleverly controlling your home battery, charging station and other devices linked to Lewiz, Lewiz will choose the most economical power supply for you. But that doesn’t mean you don’t keep your fingers on the controls. You decide the maximum amount of energy you want to use so that you find the maximum balance for yourself between limiting your peak consumption and still maintaining optimal comfort. Lewiz helps you control your consumption of self-generated energy as optimally as possible. But you decide whether you still wish to consume more or not. Lewiz gives you control, overview and insight, but you retain complete freedom.
Lewiz offers unique interoperability and independence. The system can integrate seamlessly with devices from different brands and manufacturers, giving you maximum freedom of choice and not being tied to one specific supplier. In principle, if new high-volume consumers enter your household, they can be added to the Lewiz system. It is important to note that integrating new brands and devices may take some time though, which is why at the moment the list of compatible brands is still limited to a few major market players. Want to know more about which brands are currently already integrated? Then feel free to contact us so that we can update you on the latest developments.
The regulations on electricity consumption are set to change again in the future. When this happens, Lewiz will take the changes into account so that you are always offered the best possible advantage. Global players pay far less attention to this. Lewiz focuses on the market that is relevant for you.