
Household electrification continues at a rapid pace. The energy market is changing. The government is adapting the rules of the game accordingly and coming up with new initiatives, such as the capacity tariff in Belgium, flexible energy tariffs and energy standards. It is to be expected that regulations around electricity consumption/generation will continue to change. Thanks to secure cellular communication across Europe, Lewiz can be adapted software-wise to deal with these changes at any time, depending on the needs and usage in each country.

In addition, Lewiz offers a flexible degree of interoperability and independence. The system is designed to integrate seamlessly with devices from different brands and manufacturers, giving you more freedom of choice and not limiting you to one specific vendor. It is important to note that integrating new brands and devices can take some time though, which is why at the moment the list of compatible brands is still limited to a few major market players. If you want to know more about which brands are already working seamlessly with Lewiz at the moment and which brands are on our planning, we invite you to contact us. That way, we can update you on the latest developments.

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